Safeguarding the Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic
14th May 2020
People returning to Australia from overseas are required to undergo enforced isolation for two weeks, in accordance with the Public Health (COVID-19 Air Transportation Quarantine) Order 2020.
In NSW this is known as Operation Coronavirus 2020, with the lead agency for this process being the NSW Police Force with support from the Australian Defence Force. The NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Strategic Security Unit is supporting this process by managing the operational service delivery of private security at the hotels on behalf of the NSW Government.
Enforced isolation is being conducted in up to 22 Sydney CBD hotels with up to 750 private security officers deployed each day. Daris Group Pty Ltd have been engaged to audit the integrity of the isolation process and to ensure security personnel are remunerated appropriately in accordance with the National Employment Standards.
To date, this has been achieved without any COVID-19 workforce infection or transmission.
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